Channel: Loral Langemeier
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What Is A Customer Journey?


     What is a Customer Journey, and how cany you utilize it inside of your business? So, one of the things I’m going to share with you is the actual Customer Journey.  What does it mean?  What do you need to be focusing on right now, and then also, if you’re in a position where you’re working on your offers, or working on your engagement, you’re working on your content creation, what do I need to focus on right now?  

     You’re thinking to yourself, hey I’m starting a business, and I’m creating income for this business.  Well, I need to sell a product.  I need to sell a service.  What is that product going to be? What is that service going to be, and what are the different layers going to be for this Customer Journey?  If you haven’t really sat down and looked at this and blueprinted this, you need to take a screenshot right now of what you’re seeing and walk it through with me because this is going to be crucial to how you set yourself up to then start creating content.  I was actually in a conversation today where we were on the phone with somebody and they said I’m spending all this time, and I’m spending all this money developing this prototype, and it’s going to be this amazing prototype.

     The first question that I asked was, “Well, who asked you to create it?  Have you put in the marketing?  Are people wanting to purchase this thing?”  And they stood still for about two or three minutes.  That happens a lot to us, where we have a great idea, and the first thing we do is, we go to work on creating this idea, creating this product that is potentially going to go into prototype, and nobody wants it.  Nobody has even asked us to create it.  

     And then later, after you’ve put in all this time and effort and energy, you’ve come to find out that somebody else is already doing this, or they’re already selling it and, they’re getting knocked off by all these different cheap products. So, the first thing you want to do is, create a space to really look at what’s my product’s answer this one question to yourself regardless, of the product in the service.  Who are you?  What are you an expert in?  What do you?  What’s the thing that you solve?  And then this is going to help you craft this Customer Journey.  Now, if we’re looking at the Customer Journey, obviously there are all these different components.  

     The awareness stage in the Customer Journey is how you’re projecting yourself, as in who you are, what are you an expert in, what do you do, what do you sell?  I always translate this into being the billboard on the side of the freeway.  The fastest way that you can do this right now today is, take to social media, unless you have a bunch of credit cards laying around, or a bunch of cash laying around, you can go and put digital Billboards up.  Put yourself in a publication.  Put yourself in the newspaper and get quickly to market with your ideas.  

     For most of, us that’s not the case, but we do have some funds available that we can take to social media to leverage these accounts to be able to get us a result as quickly as possible.  So, here’s what happens in the decision-making process, you have a couple of different positions from the buyer, the person that’s looking to solve the problem. Stage one is when you have someone who is aware that they have a problem, and they’re going to start to practice due diligence and look for a solution.

     Meaning that they still don’t know what a potential solution could be.  They’re just aware that they’re looking for a solution to this problem, and they’re going to start to look online.  They’re going to look on social media.  They’re going to research different experts, and then they’re going to move into stage two where they’ve identified the top 10 experts.  The top 10 products.  The top 10 solutions that could be the solution to their problem.

     And then in stage three, they’re going to move into action.  They’re aware they know that there’s a product that exists.  Now, they’re just trying to make a decision about which product is going to be the best for them.  Now they’re ready to buy so your messaging can’t be the same for someone who doesn’t even know they have a problem yet, than someone who is ready to buy and move forward.  

     It doesn’t connect if you have someone in front of you that’s ready to move forward and make a sale.  You can’t talk to them about the product’s features, and how they have a problem.  They already know they have a problem. They already know what exists.  They’re in front of you because you are a potential solution.  So, you need to move to that level of communication, so in the awareness stage, this is somewhere where you’re going to focus on continuous education for your product.  Who are you? What are you an expert in?  What do you do and what are the different problems that you solve?   

     This includes your array of products and services.  Now you’re not explicitly saying here’s my product buy it.  Here’s my service buy it.  You’re sharing case studies.  You’re sharing stories.  You’re sharing scenarios.  You’re consistently talking about your craft your, expertise, because this is what happens when you work in the awareness stage. You drive them to engagement, which is step two.  

     What does that mean in the engagement phase?  The prospect the person that’s interested in potentially working with you buying your product or service, they are making assumptions about how to connect with you.  They’re liking your videos; they’re commenting and asking questions.  They’re sending you a DM, and they’re saying hey “I saw that video you posted about CRMs; can you clarify some things for me?”  

     And, in this process, what I’m going to be doing is pushing those questions, pushing those engagements, so that they subscribe and follow my channel.  Subscribe to my channel.  Go to this link in the bio, and give me your name, email, and phone number I’m going to send you something that’s going to help you along the way.  And way too often do you want to go in this way.  You want to go from awareness, directly to conversion

    This doesn’t really work all that well because you’re hinging on somebody watching one video, somebody watching two videos, and then all of a sudden, you’re asking them to buy.  But they may be in a different position.  They don’t know enough about you, they don’t even know enough about the problem they have, that they’re still practicing due diligence in trying to find the best solution for them.  

     So, in all of these scenarios, I recommend that you stay in awareness.  You’re going to stay in engagement, and you’re going to stay in subscription, until you’ve done this really really well.  On average, your prospects are taking longer to make decisions, because there’s an abundance of education and limitless access to products, services experts, and self-help on the Internet.  So, as somebody is navigating trying to find a solution, you need to be that person that pops up consistently, because now you’re going to be top of mind to that person for a potential solution to their problem. 

     How this works is, when somebody is aware that you are a potential solution to their problem, they engage with you.  They ask questions.  They want to know more.  What are the benefits?  What are the features?  How do I get started?  Then you take them to subscription. After that you say, “Well, you know everything about the product, you know everything about the service, here’s how much it’s going to cost, why don’t you go ahead and buy this from me then you fulfill.

     The prospect is so excited about the product and service that they want to know what else you offer, known as the ascension. The latter is known as the funnel. Essentially, you’re working the prospect, turning them into a lead, and eventually converting them into a customer.  And then you’re offering more products and services after you’ve done this really well.  

     What happens is, the customer gives you immense feedback that they will eventually advocate and promote your business. So, that way, the more you focus on serving versus selling, the more you get somebody who’s going to be an advocate for you and send you a referral business.  So, that’s how the entire Customer Journey works.    

     How can you put this into action today?  Well, number one, you have to create more awareness to the people that you want to work with you, your potential customers.  How do you do that?  One the easiest ways is to go on social media and create more content.  Create more reels, create more posts, and talk about what you do.  Talk about who you are.  Talk about what you’re an expert in.  Talk about solutions, talk about testimonials, talk about who you’ve worked with.

      I had an interesting conversation with somebody who said they haven’t sold anything, but they’ve worked with people, and they have offered their services for free, and they’ve achieved results.  So, I said ok go back to those people and interview them.  Do a quick video testimonial.  Create more videos about the process and know that what you’re doing is connected to actual tangible real results.  You have something there, so continue to speak about your expertise, continue to speak about what you do.      

     And then the next phase of that process is that they will start to engage with you. They’re going to start to comment.  They’re going to start to message you in the DMs. They’re going to like your stuff.   You then need to not stay still and stagnant.  You need to move forward, and reach out to your prospects and say, “Hey first name, I noticed you saw that video.  I noticed that you asked the question about this.  How can I help you? Here’s the answer to your question.  

     You also have to be active. The entire procedural work on the person is just non-existent otherwise.  You’re never going to make any sales, so you need to continue that process.  And then the subscription phase, what is that free thing that they’re going to download to continue to learn more about you?  Continue to learn more about your business, and then get to a point where they’re going to make a decision and move forward?  Because then here’s what’s going to happen, as soon as they subscribe, you’re going to invite them to then purchase a small ticket.  

     You all have the ability to create that, and even better inside our Rapid Marketing System https://askrms.com.   We create the automation to this entire process so that way you don’t have to worry about it.  We’ll create it for you.  

     If you’re asking yourself why this isn’t working?   Why am I not making more money for my products and services?  Why am I not getting people to sign up? It’s because you’re giving too much away in terms of how things are processed.  Keep your conversations inside of the awareness stage in what and why conversation. 

     This is why you need this product because you have this problem.   This is what you can do because you have this problem.   Here are potential solutions because you have this problem.  The moment you start to cross that line and actually dive into, “Here’s how you do it.  Here’s step one, here’s step two. Go to this site click here and download here and do this.  You’ve lost your prospect because now they ‘remaking decisions, making assumptions about how much work this really is, so stick to the Customer Journey.  Step one awareness. Step two engagement.  Step three subscription.

      Do this for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, until you’ve done extremely well. The conversions will come, the engagement will come.  Your prospects will turn into customers. Too many of you are three feet from gold.  You’ve done this for so long, you’ve lost hope, because nothing is happening.  

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